GIFS From 'The Office' That Are Too Relatable if You've Worked in an Office

We all have that colleague that will randomly text a work scenario with a relatable GIF to follow. And most times, if it's related to work, it's going to be from 'The Office.' I took those text scenarios, and paired them with the best Office GIFs I could find that made me think, "Yup. That's relatable." Please continue on at your leisure, and enjoy a page full of Michael Scott and friends.

When your computer dies right before you save all the work you just did

When you're in a meeting that goes by so fast, and you didn't even talk about what the actual meeting was called for

When it's been a long day and your co-worker asks if you want to grab drinks after work

When someone finally cracks the problem your team's been facing

When your team nails a project

When your coworkers try to find out who took the last cup of coffee and didn't brew a new pot

When your boss says "You did a great job"

When there is a potential crisis about to happen, and you need to reach your client

When your boss doesn't like the one idea you and your team thought was amazing

When it's a beautiful day outside and you have an office by the window

When your coworkers start talking about a topic that is quite frankly, over your head

When the intern approaches you about the newest social media platform

When you start a new job and go through the first day of training

When it's "Bring Your Dog to Work Day"

When your work best-friend eats lunch with someone else 

When your boss is on vacation

Trying to get that business holiday card, just right

Last but not least, this. 
