You Have a Degree Now, Why Are You Still Working Retail?
Prior to COVID-19, we soon-to-be graduates heard the increasingly frequent question, so what are your plans for after graduation? Where are you going to be working?
We likely didn't have an answer then, and we still don't have one now. After COVID-19 struck, we saw a major decrease in the "So what are your plans?" question. Instead we heard "What are you going to do now?"
Over the course of the summer, my answers seemed to change on a weekly basis. I had job prospects, I had motivation, and a positive outlook. Well, I still have those, but in a different way. To many people, it was a surprise, I turned down a job offer from a marketing company in the current economy and job market. Yes, me, a young marketing professional looking to start their career off, turned down a marketing job opportunity. And what am I doing instead?
I am keeping my job in retail at DSW Inc.
"But Taylor, it's a retail job, that isn't going to get you anywhere in marketing. You have a degree now, you're worth more than that."
Au contraire mon frere. In reality, my job in retail is going to pay more than all of my marketing job offers thus far, offer me more benefits, flexibility, opportunity, and above all, I have the best team I could ask for.
I have worked in retail for about 6 years now. Nearly 2 of them at DSW Inc. Working my "job in retail" has given me skills that I can and will apply to a future job in marketing.
Skill 1: Killing with Kindness, Service with a Smile
In customer service jobs, the phrase "the customer is always right" gets thrown around, pretty frequently. Well, I'm here to break it to you that that phrase is the biggest load of bullsh**. This phrase's purpose is to make the consumer feel empowered. Well I am here to tell you, no—we do not take coupons past an expiration date (that's why they have an expiration date), you cannot get your money back for the product you purchased 5 years ago that broke during your 3 month cruise (but I'm happy to give you a merchandise credit), and I'm sorry your technology isn't working, but I cannot help you with that (I suggest talking to the people providing you with that tech). One of the biggest skills I have learned in retail is to kill with kindness. Whether it be a colleague, a consumer, or whoever it may be. Don't let them get to you. If they realize they do, it makes getting the better of you easier for them. Find a way to grow from that situation. For me, when a person tries to belittle me or criticize any policies that I am tasked to support, I explain to them why they are there (with a smile of course) and how the situation is actually benefiting them. Oh and I never forget to tell them to have a great day.
Skill 2: Kindness is Contagious
I often get, "You're too nice, I don't know how you do it, how do you stay so positive?" Staying positive and smiling through someone else's negativity becomes contagious. Something I have learned from the leaders I work with, is to always say, "thank you." Saying thanks goes a long way with many people. It makes them feel valued, and spreads a positive atmosphere. An appreciated team performs better, and feel they are contributing in an impactful way. When you are positive in your interactions with your team, their positivity goes up as well.
Skill 3: Time Management and Collaboration
Time management is one of the top sought after skills. Being able to efficiently and effectively complete tasks makes a business' gears turn. The best way to increase your time management skills? Collaboration. How can you leverage your team to have the most success, in the most efficient amount of time? Working in management roles in retail has taught me how to do this, not only in a store, but in my personal/professional life as well. Being able to collaborate with those who compliment each others skills sets and can successfully get the job done will propel your time management skills through the roof! Everyone loves a team-player.
Skill 4: Humility
Each of my retail jobs have taught me a certain level of humility. My positions at DSW Inc. however, has instilled this value the most. On my team, the managers exude our company's value of humility day in, and day out. Working as a team is what makes our store exceed expectations. Our team members are valued, no matter what their skill set is. Everyone is treated as an equal and no one is belittled. You never hear a leader of our store say "I am the one who made this happen, I'm the best manager. It's all because of me." Instead you consistently hear, "It's all thanks to our team. They made it happen." This is one of my favorite parts about working at DSW Inc.
Skill 5: Tracking KPIs
Whether you're in the store, or on the company's marketing team, you are tracking performance in one way or another. Whether you're focusing on data capture, sales goals, time goals, conversion, anything! You're tracking and analyzing What marketing strategies and tactics are working, and what are not. My job in retail allows me to track and analyze KPIs to make educated decisions for our business, to drive our goals.
Skill 6: Becoming "The Talent"
I'm not one to stand in front of the camera. If you look at my social, there is infrequent postings of myself across each platform. My natural place is somewhere behind the camera, encouraging others to tell our story. My job in retail led me to a (what I thought was) a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I was given the opportunity to be talent in multiple national TV commercials for my company. At first, my manager asked me to come along with potential to be in the commercial. I thought "oh cool, it's one of those 'stand and wave' commercials you see for local businesses!" Nope, we got there and I found out there would actually be speaking lines and acting involved. My manager pushed me to get outside of my comfort zone and take a shot at it. I am so proud that I did something that made me uncomfortable, because it had a whole lot of payoff! By staying in my retail role, I was also asked to do a voice-over that will play in DSW stores across the nation. How cool is that? I would not have gotten that opportunity if I had stayed at my prior retail job, I can tell you that! These opportunities have encouraged my confidence, while still executing my values of humility, passion, and collaboration. And I owe all of it to my store manager, Stephanie.
Skill 7: Being on the Front Lines
Those of you who have worked in retail have either heard or said the words, "What is the marketing team doing? They just don't get it. Gee if I was in corporate, I could run this place way better." I can honestly say, I am no stranger to hearing these words. But being on both sides of fence, I get the perspective. Working in a retail store allows you to see first hand what a company's marketing efforts are doing. Some positive, some negative. You're in the moment. You know what the customer wants, and you know what isn't being given to them. Corporate on the other hand, does not have that exact same experience. they receive this information in one form or another. A skill that I am gaining in my retail role is knowledge and first hand experience I could take and apply at the corporate marketing level. I've been in front of and behind various marketing efforts. Being exposed to the customer first hand has allowed me to see what types of marketing works, and what might not necessarily be the best choice. One thing I admire, specifically about DSW Inc. is that the "higher ups" are always looking for feedback. "How did the deals over the weekend go from your viewpoint? What worked? What didn't work? What are your suggestions?" And the kicker is, they actually listen. They listen and make marketing moves that are keeping the company afloat during a time that countless other retailers are closing doors and struggling. Meanwhile, DSW Inc. is opening doors! The collaborative, team environment, the company values I believe definitely has an impact on the results they are seeing.
So yes, I do have my degree. I would love to have my dream job in marketing. But at this point in time, the best decision has been to keep my job in retail. I'm still learning and applying marketing skills, and I have an amazing team by my side. I am growing as a person, a leader, a friend, and a professional, everyday.
I am excited to take a next step in my journey with DSW Inc. into a management role. As of yesterday, I am the new Store Warehouse Lead for my location, and I could not be more excited to contribute to my team in this new role. I can't wait to see what opportunities lie ahead!
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